SpeakersNet Online



Today, everyone is in the reputation management business. Yet for many, the news media is mysterious and puzzling. Even successful business people have questions that need answers. For example, if the president of a company is contacted by the news media, how should she/he respond? Depending on the story and the media outlets involved, the answer could have an impact on millions of people. In the information age, it pays to have a good media relations strategy. "Working with the Media" will help your attendees see that the news media can be a useful friend -- if one knows how to use it.

As the information revolution unfolds, the news media is becoming an increasingly central element in our lives. Getting your story out is essential for any business. Surprisingly, though, few people are aware of how the news business actually works.  Here is an opportunity to ask the experts for tips, pointers, and opinions about how to gain superior public relations.

"Working with the Media” can be formatted as either a panel of experts or as a breakout session workshop.  Arrange for your attendees to get the behind-the-scenes view of the news media and learn first hand from nationally recognized veteran newspaper, TV, and radio correspondents.


 SpeakersNet is a program of the
Greater Baltimore Committee

Renato T. Sciacqua, Executive Circle
Email: SpeakersNet@gmail.com
Phone: 410-792-7362
Internet: www.speakersnet.org